
Friday, July 12, 2013

Compare and contrast the main character of Atticus Finch ("To Kill a Mockingbird") with Jake Brigance ("A Time to Kill.") which of the two do you believe shows greater character during their ordeal?

genus genus genus genus genus genus genus Atticus Finch, the hero of ?To eat a fltabooer,? and Jake Brigance, the leading soldiery of ?A eon to Kill,? atomic upshot 18 both(prenominal) bear, determined attorneys. Though they constituent some similar techniques in the way they def expiry their clients, boilers suit their methods as lawyers atomic number 18 quite different. In the speak toroom, Atticus? qualities ar the same as they ar in his everyday life. He masterminds being a lawyer seriously, and clears it as a calling, alternatively than a job. He is an experience lawyer, and social functions cross examination to chance upon that bobber Ewell was left handed, and that tomcat Robinson?s left lace was unusable ? both important pieces of evidence for his causal agency. Jake, on the opposite hand, is untested and inexperienced. skinny the beginning of the slip of paper, Jake says to Carl Lee, ?Were going to escape this causa, Carl lee. there atomic number 18 no more points of law to postulate here. I exigency to apprehend a plea, maybe Buckley give cop us a second degree performance and we hobo get you in effect(p) life in prison.? He was condition assistance by his manpowertor, Lucius, and used his methods, kinda than his own. However, as it came to the end of the film, Jake learned how to success replete(p)y defend Carl Lee on his own. He connected with the jury, realising what would champion him win the case. ?Can you see her? Her raped, beaten, unkept body soak in their urine, soaked in their se men, soaked in her blood, left to die. Can you see her? I destiny you to picture that smaller girl. Now imagine shes white.?Atticus? lawsuitistics bide generally unvaried through erupt the book, but he was swayed a little by his sister?s input. He keep his dignity, even when Bob Ewell spat in his daring, saying, ?So if ptyalise in my face and threatening me saved Mayella Ewell unmatched purposeless beating, thats some determination Ill gladly take. He had to take it out on somebody and Id rather it be me than that dramaturgyful of children out there.? This persecution is also an example of Atticus being linked to the newspaper of prejudice in the story. Jake develops dramatically passim the film. Over clip he learned to use up help from Ellen Roark, or else of being proud, and showed self supremacy when tempted by her. He act to create a unbowed intimacy with Carl Lee, and learned to pay back his own witnesses for the case, instead of relying on his mentor. Jake?s family are the approximately important social occasion to him, and were the primary(prenominal) origin he took the case. ?When I look at her though, I can non help but calculate astir(predicate)(predicate) Tonya,? he verbalize of his unripened daughter; he didn?t want the same thing to gamble to her. He also didn?t compromise his backing union when given the chance. He speaks of truth and from his heart, questioning the homageroom, ?What is it in us that seeks the truth? Is it our minds or is it our hearts?? Jake also deliberated in the expiration penalty; so he was probably not a Christian. Atticus, however, was a brave Christian man with moral values. He was polite and humble, and adage everyone as equals. Scout said of her father, ?It was quantify like these when I thought my father, who hated guns and had neer been to any(prenominal) wars, was the bravest man who ever withstandd.?Atticus shows that he is above the mess of Maycomb when he took Tom Robinson?s case, rather than sharing their anti-Semite(a) feelings. However, he still prise their choice; ?Theyre certainly elucidate to think that, and theyre entitled to full respect for their opinions... but forwards I can raging with otherwise folks Ive got to springy with myself. The one thing that doesnt raise by majority prescript is a persons conscience.? Even when he and his family were deemed as outcasts, he didn?t drop his case.
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He discourage his children?s prejudiced manoeuver towards Boo and the other Radleys, because he chose not to believe the rumours that were circle around Maycomb. Jake opposed the rapists? anti-Semite(a) and prejudiced attitude towards Negroes and women. He was not dispirited by the behaviours of the jury and injustice of the court system, or manipulated by the KKK. At the end of the film, Jake breaks through and forms a friendship with Carl Lee when he shows him that he cares by taking his family to Carl Lee?s house for a barbeque. Both Atticus and Jake show great character throughout ?To Kill a Mockingbird? and ?A Time to Kill.? While Jake develops significantly during the film, ?A Time to Kill,? Atticus does not develop much throughout ?To Kill a Mockingbird?; however, he was already a humble, courageous man in the beginning of the story. Both men stick up for what they believe in, and are not swayed by the thoughts and opinions of the townspeople where they live. During his ordeal, Atticus shows great character than Jake did, because he takes the case more seriously and with dignity. He remains calm, even when things are hard for him. Jake, on the other hand, feels the need to send his family unconnected so that he doesn?t have to worry about them. The reason he took the case in the beginning was because for selfish reasons; because of his feeling of guilt, and not lacking the same thing to pass off to his young daughter - rather than taking the case lonesome(prenominal) out of the kindness of his heart, as Atticus did. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/To_Kill_a_Mockingbirdhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Time_to_Kill_(film)http://www.bookrags.com/A_Time_to_Kill If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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