
Friday, January 24, 2014

Ap Us Vocab

AP United States History Vocabulary list: 1. second across-the-board awakening. men same finney running around preaching christianity. they are great orators and as a result, people feel handle they are worth roughlything. 2. communal experiments. numerous groups rose up in attempts to create a utopian society. although they all fundamentally failed in one way or an otherwise, it increased Americans self-assertion that they could change the world and make it a better place. any(prenominal) communal experiments included the shakers, who were, quite frankly, retarded because they were against sex and relied on converting people to expand their beliefs. they concentrated on expelling barbarity from ones body (they shook sin out from their fingers lol, hence their name). because of the shakers anti-sex stance, in that respect are only 4 shakers left today. ROFL!!!! also, in that location was new- do lanark which i believe was similar to the ideas of marx and of co urse the mormons who were polygamists and were persecuted for their polygamist beliefs so they ran past to utah. they were led by josseph smith and brigham young. there were many other communal experiemtns too lol 3. campaign for urban doers. obviously, this helped the habitual worker because labor unions formed, strikes were able to form, shorter work day, and better recompense 4. self-restraint, abolition, and womens suffrage. the three biggest better movements of the jacksonian era. they are all assort together because many women like cady stanton and susan b anthony and lucretia mott were also tortuous in aboliton (sara grimke made lots of anti-slavery talks) and temperance (susan b anthony started daughters of temperance and in handsome women the vote (anthony led some women to the canvas to vote but they were arrested. theres a lot about these reform movements 5. transcendentalism. another(prenominal) big one. basically, thoreau and emerson and some other people began formulating ideas about a more ! double-dyed(a) society. for example, thoreau wrote civil disobedience...If you want to get a upright essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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