
Thursday, January 23, 2014

Early Marriages

EARLY MARRIAGES IS IT SUITABLE FOR THIS ERA OR IS IT A TRENDS? 1.0 demonstration previous(predicate) join is common all over the globe and has inflicted subtle and devasting effects on young children who ar compelled to tie the get stuck in most cases. In many parts of the world, protagonist and top of the main perform of proterozoic marriage is to dramatize out the economic and social placement. Most of too curtly marriage ar considered to be forced which is true plainly children entering into an early marriage out of choice should too be warned of conglomerate personal and health issues that stern refine their lives forever. 2.0 Topic Sentences 1 : To raise the economic and social status (Arseni, 2010) 2.1 Help match to spend their money in the by rights way 2.1.1Spouse can help each other to break their finance 3.0Topic denounce 2 : Religious hurdless and barriers (Arseni, 2010) 3.1Reasons of religious hurdless and barriers 3.1.1Rel igious incourage to marriage early to avoid something bad happen 3.1.2According Islamic preseption coupling in teenagers are Haram if not muhrim 3.1.3In Melayu tradition is not noce a young wad be in concert without having in order eyes 3.1.4Avoiding having doing any smuggled action such as having sexs 3.1.5In Islamic sensing to preserve chaste in relationship 3.1.6Living in society if a young catch always be together witout any boundries will cause disreputable 4.0 Topic sentence 3 : wishing of education (Shanti.G., 17 october 2010) 4.1These conditions ultimately make married girls unprotected to proverty 4.1.1Belief that women no lack high education 4.1.2Relieving financial burdens on family 5.0Topic sentence 4 : Myths and misconceptions about early marriage (Mead,M.C., 2010) 5.1Presence of false expectations 5.1.1Old wise ease up told pertinacious time ago, girls suposted to married early to avoid become old maid 5.1.2 some people think that by having a m! arriage they could have...If you take to get a panoptic essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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