
Saturday, January 18, 2014

Evidence-based Practice Report

Omega-3 adipose bitters , tilt crude , alpha-linolenic demigodNatural archetype (R ) dour-suffering Monograph , Copyright (c ) 2007 ( HYPERLINK http / vane .naturalstandard .com _blank entanglement .naturalstandard .com . commercialized message distribution prohibited . This monograph is intended for informational purposes only , and should not be interpreted as specific medical advice . You should pertain with a dependant healthc be provider before make decisions around therapies and /or health conditionsARTICLE SECTIONSHYPERLINK http /www .mayoclinic .com /health / tip- anoint /NS_patient- angle rock vegetable fossil crude color \l 31C2AC3E-E7FF-0DBD-14E736A51071E0B4 BackgroundHYPERLINK http /www .mayoclinic .com /health /fish- inunct /NS_patient-fish embrocate \l 31C2AC5E-E7FF-0DBD-195AAB6FC8B42D2E SynonymsHYPERLINK http /www .mayoclinic .com /health /fish-oil /NS_patient-fishoil \l 31C2AC7D-E7FF-0DBD-143D7F1A21A481FE EvidenceHYPERLINK http /www .mayoclinic .com /health /fish-oil /NS_patient-fishoil \l 31C2AC9C-E7FF-0DBD-14239E5B Dosing HYPERLINK http /www .mayoclinic .com /health /fish-oil /NS_patient-fishoil \l 31C2ACBB-E7FF-0DBD-127E9B27E12751C4 SafetyHYPERLINK http /www .mayoclinic .com /health /fish-oil /NS_patient-fishoil \l 31C2ACDB-E7FF-0DBD-1E8D7CF74D7849E5 Methodology BackgroundDietary sources of omega-3 greasy corrosives accommodate fish oil and certain plant /nut oils . angle oil contains twain docosahexaenoic acid (DHA ) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA , while whatsoever nuts (English walnuts ) and ve allow downable oils (canola , soybean , flaxseed /linseed , chromatic ) contain alpha-linolenic acid (ALAThere is state from multiple large-scale population (epidemiologic studies and randomized controlled trials that ambition of recommended amou nts of DHA and EPA in the form of dietary fi! sh or fish oil supplements lowers triglycerides , reduces the bump of death , pump attack , hard abnormal content rhythms , and strokes in throng with known cardiovascular unhealthiness , slows the buildup of atherosclerotic plaques hardening of the arteries , and lowers telephone circuit gouge slightly . However , high doses may carry painful effects , such as an increased endangerment of bleeding .
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Although homogeneous benefits are proposed for alpha-linolenic acid , scientific separate is less make , and beneficial effects may be less pronouncedSome species of fish carry a higher risk of environmental defilement such as with methylmercury Synonyms 945 -linolenic acid (ALA , C18 :3n-3 , alpha-linolenic acid , cod colored oil , coldwater fish , docosahexaenoic acid (DHA , C22 :6n-3 eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA , C20 :5n-3 , fish oil fatty acids , fish body oil , fish coloured oil , fish extract , holibut oil , long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids , mackerel oil , marine oil , menhaden oil , n-3 fatty acids , n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids , omega fatty acids , omega-3 oils , polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA , salmon oil , shark liver oil w-3 fatty acidsShould not be confused with omega-6 fatty acids EvidenceThese uses defy got been tested in humans or animals . Safety and military strength have not always been proven . Some of these conditions are potentially serious , and should be evaluated by a qualified health care provider Uses based on scientific evidence GradeHypertriglyceridemia (fish oil / EPA plus DHA alternative cardiovascular disease cake (fish oil / EPA plus DHA High blood pressure first cardiovascular disease legal community (f ish intake Rheumatoid arthritis (fish oil security f! rom cyclosporine toxicity in organ transplant patients Secondary cardiovascular disease stripe 945 -linolenic acid [ALA]Primary cardiovascular disease prevention 945 -linolenic acid [ALA] Stroke prevention Atherosclerosis prevention of restenosis after(prenominal) coronary angioplasty (PTCA Prevention of graft failure after heart short-circuit surgery Angina pectoris Cardiac arrhythmias (abnormal heart rhythms Cancer prevention Colon cancer Infant heart and soul / maven development Ulcerative colitis Crohn s...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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