
Sunday, February 2, 2014

Analysis of the Thought Fox by Ted Hughes

THE THOUGHT-FOX by Ted Hughes INTRODUCTION The persuasion-Fox was first published in The haggle in the Rain (1957), a collection which earned from Marianne Moore the pursuit mark: Hughes talent is unmistakable, the work has focus, is a glow with feeling, with conscience; susceptibility is awake, embodied in appropriate diction. This collection was judged the vanquish by Marianne Moore, W. H. Auden and Stephen Spender. The Thought-Fox is a verse about the very run of musical composition poetry, and about poetic inspiration. The imaginary mix up is a type of this inspiration which enters the mind of a poet and circulates its footprints in the form of address on a white page. The poet starts the verse form with the words that it is a lonely room in a dark night. Everything is peace of mind so that the tick-tick sound of the quantify impresses upon the effigy (the I in the poem) the fantasm, the silence and loneliness. The persona has a ashen page in the beginning him and his fingers move on it. Outside it is all dark; flush the stars ar non there in the sky. Yet secret in the darkness, the persona sees something moving and entering the loneliness. The presence that moves in deep darkness is like a fox pathetic the twigs and leaves with its nose. What the persona sees are two eyes that move in the darkness and leave their footprints on the s flat. Then a lame, cagey trunk in the form of an eye comes brilliantly and concentratedly toward the room. With the fetor of a fox it enters the hole of the personas head. The window is pipe down without stars and is dark and lonely. The clock continues to tick and by now the page, the blank page has received the footprints of the thought-fox in the form of a poem.   captious APPRECIATION The Fox as a Symbol of Thought The Thought-Fox describes, in an indirect or oblique manner, the process by which a poem gets written. What a poet needs to write a poem is inspiration. A poet waits for the onrush of an idea through his brain. And, o! f course, he withal needs solitude...If you want to get a encompassing essay, locate it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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