
Thursday, February 6, 2014

How Do You Compare and Contrast Two Stories

Firstly, analyse each of them. Break down story 1 into themes, motifs, characters arcs/developments and linguistic techniques. Then do the same for story 2. toon it all(prenominal) out on a piece of paper. If its give behavior youve been set there is probably a link mingled with these twain stories, they might approach a topic in contrasting ways, explore a similar theme or be a direct reaction to each other. Whats measurable is bodily structure in a comparison essay: short-change origination, wrap the books before long. BRIEFLY, I cant tell you how many half pageboy openings Ive teach that simply name the title and author... Think of 3 authorized topics that you want to discuss (Like, how the novels treat the theme of nature, employ idyl imagery or an urban metropolis, the role of the athletic paladin and something like the style of writing, and what it MEANS to the book.). For a comp argon and bill essay, never pick ALL compare and ALL contrast. G o for 2 of one and 1 of the other, doesnt really matter which. In each paragraph state what you have found out, and tint it as bold as you can: Though their techniques are different, the expenditure of the protagonist as a synecdoche for mankinds innocence is constituent(a) to the plots of both(prenominal) A Brave New World and Orwells 1984 - thence use 2-3 paragraphs PROVING it. If you see a paragraph without a quote, youre doing it wrong. In your conclusion, briefly reword your whole essay and say, simply, that what you said in your intro was true, and that youve proven it. These are techniques youll develop through school, moreover theyre delightful simple really, follow them and youll be pulling As. substantially bunch :)If you want to get a full essay, rank it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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