
Saturday, February 1, 2014

International Student- Law School Personal Statement

Personal StatementAt a tender age of seven , I witnessed the brutality of the government and the illegal conviction of trade mating workers who were peacefully protesting for their rights . Some died , some were wounded , and some were welt to coma , some stampeded , while others were taken to custody for weeks . What was their plague ? They did nonhing - nothing at all only when to expressage their innate rights . I stood there , watching from my window , looking at at how helpless they were . This happened several years ago in Hong Kong . I was seven years old and it was a Tuesday . I believe there is always a link amidst the prehistorical and the present . I believe that we do not equitable end up being who we are but our experiences shapes our discorporate spirit . That day was the day that set the course of my to ne . As I watched these people , I desireed to do something but I couldn t . That day , I felt the incommode of unjustness and a panging for justice at the same timeI left sector my home country to Canada for my twelfth grade after which I pursued a degree in History which I hope to complete by June /July next year . During my hindrance here , I have applied myself to learning much about societal structure and man relations . I have taken courses and modules that I believe will express in me about the formation of human values and human style . These courses have made me see things in a different...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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