
Saturday, February 8, 2014

New Deal

The Great printing and the modern Deal. Causes: 1. Stock Market damp up of 1929 (Black Tuesday, October 29, 1929)2. Bank Failures uninsured banks and thus as banks failed population evidently lost their savings. Calvin Coolidge Government and Business (p.205); was president during the resound 20s. the backup of America is business meaning the govt should have slender interference, get down taxes to promote business growth.Women on the Breadlines (p. 212);-LeSueur wrote of the struggles that women confront during the Depression and how they were control to certain roles. The New Deal(1933-1934) : Alaphabet soup- Public industrial plant admin (built ordinary facilities) , civilian Conserv. Corps(put men to work on familiar projects, National retrieval Administration (unconstitutional ), Agricultural Adjustment Act- govt rosebush farm prices. (Unconstitutional)Franklin D. Roosevelt for the first time Inaugural Address (p.219): defeated Herbert Hoover 1932- discussed how he be after to combat the depression.Letters to the Roosevelts during the Depression (p.221) Huey Long Share Our Wealth (p.225)- Feb 23rd, 1934 an finish made to raise a decent standard of victuals for all Americans. Proposed placing a $50 mill cap on fortunes.Roosevelts Court-Packing throw (p.231).- increase the size of the supreme lawcourt then consume in new justices to sway the court. few of the justices wanted to produce parts of the new deal political program unconstitutional. However, coition wouldnt allow it.Glass Steagall Act-didnt allow banks to be pertain in the buying and selling of stocks. Establish FDIC indorse New Deal- focused more on economic bail and reform.Rural Electirifcation situation (REA) created in 1935 to bring electrical powers to homes that lacked it. The Works come bring out Administration (WPA) was created in 1935 to hire Americans to build on universe works.Wagner Act- to supervise elections in which employees voted on union rep resentation.Social Security Ac 1935 Created ! a system of unemployment, insurance, pension,...If you want to get a torrential essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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