
Wednesday, February 5, 2014


MGT 301 Introduction to forethoughtREADINGS staff 1| * Who are Managers? * compartmentalization of Managers (Top, Middle, First-Line) * What is an shaping? * Three common characteristics * What is centering? * Efficiency vs speciality * concern Functions * imagening, Organizing, Leading, considerling * Management Roles (Mintzberg) * Interpersonal, Informational, Decisional * Management Skills * Conceptual, Human, Technical * why Study Management? * The universality of management| Ch. 1 (Page 4-11, 14-16)| mental faculty 2| * Classical Approach * Administrative Management Fayol * scientific Management Taylor * Bureaucratic Management Weber * Human dealings domesticate * Systems Theory * Contingency Approach| Ch. 2 (Page 25-30)Ch. 2 (Page 32-36)| staff 3| * What is Planning? * Why Do Managers Plan? * What is a Goal? * step in Planning emergence * Types of Plans * Strategic, Operational, Long-term, Short-term, Directional, Specific, whiz use, Standing) * MBO (Management By Objectives) * The Rational Decision Making deal * Steps in decision making process * delimited reasonableness (Satisfice & Maximize) * SWOT summary * Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats * Internal and outdoor(a) Environment Analysis | Ch. 7(Page 152-161)Ch. 6(Page 128-135)Ch. 8(Page 170-176)Ch. 3(Page 57-65)| Module 4| * Organizing & organisational Structure * Designing organisational Structure * Environment, Strategy, Technology, Human Resources * Departmentalization * Functional, Product, Customer, Geographic, Process, intercellular substance * Chain of call for * Unity of Command * Span of Control * Delegation of part * Centralization & Decentralization| Ch. 9(Page 198 203, 206 207)| Module 5| * What is indigence? * Three Key Elements of Motivation * Maslows Hi erarchy of of necessity Theory * Herzberg! s Two-Factor Theory * McGregors Theory X and...If you want to get a climb essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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