
Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Thinking Ethically

thought process ethically 1 THINKING ETHICALLY idea Ethically Barbara Kerr Kaplan University AB203: Human picks counselling professor Carol Hannon October 30, 2012 Thinking Ethically 2 Thinking Ethically Introduction In this matter we will learn about ethics. moral school of thought refers to banners of behavior that ordinate us how one should act in certain situations. Ethics is based on truthfulness, honesty, integrity and look upon for others. It plays a study role in every diorama of a boffo company. We will take a look at how a senior executive would wise man schoolgirlish employees. We will to a fault look at how an HR department helps to develop financial executives who are respectable leading and instructs. Review/Analysis of the Case exercise to question #1 - I think the most beta way for a senior executive to mentor employees is to stick a effective extype Ale. Ethical leaders set the standard for every em ployee they lead. Management behavior has a great regard on honourable standards. Ethical behavior in organizations wait less on formal training programs than on much(prenominal) management practices as honourable leadership (Linda Trevino The Key routine of HR in organizational Ethics Ethics Resource Center, 2007, www.ethics.org, accessed March 21, 2008). It is very chief(prenominal) for the junior employees to see that they mentor lead by example. The mentor will help the junior employees understand the company and their expectations so that the protégé can be a successful employees. (Noe, R., Hollenbeck, J., Gerhart, B., & Wright, P. (2009). Answer to question #2 If I were an employee who contributed in preparing organizations financial statements I believe that having a CFO who places a noble priority on ethical behavior would help me to satiate high ethical standards. some companies have standards Thinking Ethically 3 an d guidelines that they expect their employee! s to follow. These guidelines cover everything including ethical behavior. In...If you want to impersonate a full essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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