
Saturday, October 15, 2016

Barbie-Q by Sandra Cisneros

In Sandra Cisneross Barbie-Q, a peasants fascination of blemished Barbie dolls makes the fibber accept her feature identity by disposing the high societys ideals of women. Barbie is the tall, skinny, blonde, fair-skinned, beautiful, successful, and fun assumed character that every childly girl wants to be ontogenesis up. Barbie has a blameless body, the final wardrobe, and can live a high-class life of fun. The narrator opens the short tosh by introducing the Barbies with which the two girls argon raceing. They atomic number 18 old and worn out, scarcely the girls p arents do not know enough money to cloud new ones. This is why the girls are so excited to divulge some for sale at the flea market. Each of these Barbies has some uncommon flaw due to a toy warehouse on Halsted Street burning down. Cisneros expresses her story virtually society and how we outline women to be perfect and materialistic, when in reality, we are not perfect and we as women each take hold flaws. In Barbie-Q, Cisneros makes a inspection about societys assumptions of gender roles, appearances of women, and expectations of women.\nIn the second paragraph, the girls repeat societys gender roles in their play: Every time the homogeneous story. Your Barbie is roommates with my Barbie, my Barbies boyfriend comes over and your Barbie steals him, okeh? (Cisneros 559). The non-existing Ken doll is the roots federal agency of accentuating her theme about societys assumptions of vernal womens interests in men and relationships. The author makes the young girls appear to be centered on the lovingness and attention from boys. Cisneros makes it clear that the two girls are younger, and young girls should not be thinking about boys, they should be contend with dolls and playing dress up. The two girls are growing up in addition fast and should not be fixated on the knowledge of boys.\nthroughout the short story, Cisneros shows that the girls Barbie dolls are flawed. She ma kes it known to the readers that these t...

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