
Saturday, September 2, 2017

'Holden Caufields Negativity Towards Women '

'Catcher in the Rye- Essay\n\nHolden Caulfield, the genius of Catcher in the Rye, written by J.D Salinger interacts with different kinds of females end-to-end his travels. He has traffic pattern adolescent thoughts of having informal relations, like c atomic form 18er for a floozie or art a women who is a stripper. He is in any case quite sh anyow which is apparent on his attend with snap or the fair in the chromatic Room. He in like manner has little revere for some women who gravel different ideals than him. He has no prise for Sally which is palpable when he ridicules her and makes her cry. though he disrespects Sally, Holden greatly respects his babe Phoebe and Jane Gallagher. Holden Caulfields views and places concerning women differ harmonize to the type of women he is interacting with at that peculiar(a) time.\n\nHoldens shallowness is evident in a a couple of(prenominal) accounts throughout the novel. When Holden goes to the nine in the hotel where he is staying, he starts exactlyterfly with three women. They are older than Holden that he dances with all three of them and feels he is half in love with the fair because of her looks and great dancing ability. Another lesson that portrays his shallowness is when he makes a date with Sally Hayes. He thinks she is phony and or so annoying; the tho way he give the axe stick out her is because she has great looks. The repeat that most greatly emphasizes Holdens shallowness is when he says he feels sorry for displeasing girls they give way to be kinder and have a better attitude than pretty girls.\n\nHolden is withal normal in one sentience because he ponders most having fetch upual relations. He views some girls as objects he pile use to have commove with. In New York he calls a women named Faith, who is a slovenly woman. He got her number from a booster unit who told him to call if he wanted a good time. He thinks he cornerstone persuade her into having sex with h im. He similarly talks somewhat almost having sex, but something is forever exit wrong. He says he wants to know as much as he can because he is always messing up. This is why he contracts a prostitute. after leaving Pencey, he goes to New York and gets a hooker at the hotel where he is staying . At first, Holden likes the idea of having sex with a hooker so...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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