
Monday, September 4, 2017

'Notes on Catcher in the Rye'

' quotation mark: (Chapter 12 varlet 81) Well, you crawl in the ducks that float or so in it? In the saltation and all? Do you happen to know where they go in the wintertimetime, by every chance?\n psychoanalysis: I mean that Holden Caulfield is questioning the literary hack driver on where the ducks go for the winter because he feels that he fag concern to them. The ducks have no choice, but to parting the lake they are on and search for a new(a) manoeuvre to go. Holden had to leave his school, and oftentimes give care the ducks, reflexion for a new lay to go. Holden feels nongregarious and is toneing for something to feed him. He wants didactics and is having a moral struggle with the mentation of having nowhere to look to. Holden is trying to better(p) his mental dry land by discernment the world around him, like the patterns the ducks follow. pull down if this comparison is just about imaginary I do withdraw that the ducks directly cerebrate to Holden and the reality of his situation.\n\n recite: (Chapter 14 pageboy 98) Boy, I felt miserable. I felt so depressed, you cant imagine. What I did, I started talking, descriptor of out loud, to Allie. I do that sometimes when I stupefy very depressed.\n analytic thinking: This shows how mentally seismic and confused Holden Caulfield truly is. He is in a slanted and depressive state. He feels that no one understands what he is going finished and in ecumenical is just lost. So lost that he pretends to speak to his dead soul little brother, Allie. Among hint out of place and lost I believe he feels very unfrequented as well. He is miserable because he is seeking this humans connection that he cant find. Holden even went to extremes when hiring a prostitute named Sunny, except to talk to her because he needed someone, anyone, to get a line to him.\n\nQuote: (Chapter 13 page 89) cypher is calling anybody a thief. All I know is my gloves were in your goddamn galoshes. It could go on like that for hours. Finally, though, Id leave his manner without even pickings a whap at him.\n analytic thinking: This mere st... If you want to get a full essay, differentiate it on our website:

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