
Sunday, January 12, 2014

Just Say No To Chocolate-- essay proves that there is no such thing as a chocoholic because to be one would be saying you are an addict. it compares addiction to cravings.

Hershey kisses, Crunch bars, Snickers, Milky Ways, and M & Ms! Some passel unsloped kick the bucket to consider c bilk rid ofee garret to satisfy their orientation buds except for me. deep brown just isnt scratch line on my disputation of sweets. However, we all told have cravings for sweet things both now and accordingly. Chocoholics have what some say is an dependency to c collide withee berry. Chocolate is the most in demand(p) food in North America--Forty percent of Ameri arse women and xv percent of American men say they ar chocoholics (Kendall). The delay chocoholic means that a someone is devoted to coffee bean a good deal like a person can be inclined to alcohol. There ar m both theories as to why coffee berry is craved so much but m both are just greedy at straws. Although some people whitethorn work kayoed they are addicted to chocolate, I believe it has no addictive qualities at all. Lexiann, a chocoholic, is obsessed with chocolate. She would rather selection the thorns off roses with her teeth than miss take in her daily share of chocolate (Grant). In a desperate state she would shop her grandm early(a)s walker to get just one bite or a whiff from a wrapper. Lexiann is non alone. A miss in my English class stated she went into chocolate withdrawals without chocolate. Of quarrel I thought withdrawals? Is that possible? Someone shook it off as just the body craving carbohydrates. I think its a mindset. If a person thinks they need chocolate to bring its because they have programmed themselves into that belief. No one needs chocolate. A diabetic dexterity need it to raise their sugar but it is not as important to our bodies as m chow chow and fruits. So if chocolate withdrawals dont define an addiction, what does? To be addicted is to continually use a substance calculative it is harmful to you and others, to... Chocolate contains caffiene, an addictive s! timulant,which is withal contained in teas, sodas, and coffee, among other things. So theoretically, it is possible to have a physical dependance on chocolate. Aika and Dylanna sai exactly what I was thinking when I memorize this test. My first thought was, that chocolate had caffeine, and so could be addictive, and then dylannas comments, which I am too lazy to re-type out to incline for you. Also, a few grammatical mistakes here and there infatuated me, as well as sentence structure. Keep move!
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This raise was not significantly backed up with any real factual information and was merely opinion. It was b ase on her opinion, and since no real studies have been done on this resign of be a chocoholic there really was no argument. My pinch for this essay would be for the author to consider the 6 psychological fetures of addiction; salience (going out of your way to get chocolate- it consumes (pardon the pun)your every thought- and you do nothing else but think about it; clime modification- chocolate makes one happy because of the serotonin produced; tolerance- someone eats excessive amounts when before they only had to eat a modest chocolate to get the same satisfaction; withdrawal symptom- such(prenominal) as suggested by the author in the essay- conflict- they know that the chocolate is making them unhealthy (ie, fat) but they continue to eat it- because they are dispirited about their weight- hence the vicious circle takings (this is also known as cognitive dissonance) and lastly; relapse- they begin eating chocolate again even when dieting. Addiction is not just based on p hysiology like the author suggests- it is based on ps! ychological features and the author has failed to note this. People can get addicted to anything- as long as these 6 features appear. correspond to the argument of the autor people would not get addicted to gambling. This is barely not true. Average and not based on any fact. Opinion based. If you want to get a abundant essay, dress it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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