
Monday, January 27, 2014

The American Constitution: A Highly Intelligent Document

When the Founding Fathers came to lineher they wanted to separate from Britain because their home rustic was dire its will on them without any colonial federal agency in British legislatures. Later, with republican ideals in mind, the Framers of the temperament drafted the chronicle that governs our society. They vowed to seduce the foundation for a strong country that would not get by its citizen as England did. Unfortunately, the Constitution, at its ratification, fell significantly gyp on many democratic ideals. While there are several(prenominal) points of possible discussion, three specific issues, slavery, universal balloting and the option of senators and the President intelligibly demonstrate the limited democratic aspects of the Constitution as originally written. However, before discussing how the Constitution fails to be strait democratic, matchless essential understand what is meant by highly democratic. Succinctly, a highly democratic constitution needs to clearly mold and guarantee rights to all its citizens. Democracy requires free speech, assorted competing interests, the means for those interests to represent themselves politically and a strict quest of bulk rules. Likewise no group can be denied their rights. Finally, citizens must be empowered with the right to vote and representatives in the governance must be directly elected by a majority vote of the people. Slavery denied blacks their rights for almost a stagecoach Celsius years after the ratification of the Constitution showing bingle of the clearest signs that the Constitution was not highly democratic. As stated in a higher place the right for all groups to determine the laws that govern them are elementary tenets of a democracy. This is clearly violated by slavery because a slave has no rights, no political power and thus no way of enacting diversify on its own behalf. This dynamic, as explained in Madisons Federalist 10, where a majority ty ranny cannot exist, collapses because the mi! nority... If you want to get a full essay, rear it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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